This issue of CPhT Connect includes:

What the Future Holds for Pharmacy Technicians: An Employer’s Persepctive

Recently on CPhT Connect the Podcast, host, Mike Johnston, CPhT, began a series covering the future of the pharmacy technician field from various employers in a variety of pharmacy settings. This series was broken up into three sections with two parts for each section, making it a six-part series. The first section would cover retail pharmacies, the second section covered independent pharmacies, and the third and last part covered health system pharmacies.

Medication Therapy Management

Medication therapy management (MTM) is defined as a service or group of services provided by health care providers, including pharmacists, to make sure that patients receive the best therapeutic outcomes. A medication therapy review is known as collecting patient information, evaluating medication therapies to find medication-related problems for the patients, and developing a list of those medication-related problems before creating the plan to resolve them. Dive deeper into the understanding of Medication Therapy Management.

Updates in Diabetes Treatments

According to the latest National Diabetes Statistics Report in 2020 by the CDC, diabetes is currently one of the most common diseases in the United States affecting one in ten Americans, with nearly one in three people affected by prediabetes. If not affected by diabetes yourself, then it is highly likely you know someone that is. As this is becoming an increasingly more common disease, this also means there is a harder push for innovations in the technology and pharmaceutical markets. Read more about the update in diabetes treatment.

Continuing Education: An Update on HIV/AIDS Treatments

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. The CD4 T-Lymphocyte is the primary target of an HIV infection. An HIV infection consists of three stages: acute HIV infection (primary HIV infection), chronic HIV infection (clinical latency), and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Without appropriate treatment, an HIV infection can progress, destroy the immune system, and result in AIDS. Read more about the updates in HIV/AIDS Treatments in this issue’s CE.

Other stories covering:

Contraceptives for Women

Male Infertility in Men

Conjunctivitis in Children